
Do you want to talk to us about any of the issues you have seen on the website? Do you think we can work together on any project? Do you want us to help you in your internationalization process?

You can drop us an email using the box below or you can visit us in Brussels. If you are coming let us know in advance so we can welcome you with some of the famous Belgian chocolate.

We are currently changing office, but we will be sharing soon where to find us working in Brussels. In the meanwhile, you can always find us online.

We are open
Monday to Friday from 10:00h to 18:00h



Follow our activity on Facebook and You Tube

You can also personally send an email to any of our team members


Write us

How can we help you?


¿Interesado en lo que ves?

Puedes darnos tu correo y te mantendremos informada/o de nuestras actividades. Prometemos no spamearte