SMART-QUAL – Structured indicators to manage HEI Quality Systems, is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme. This initiative supports Higher Education Institutions in the implementation of an effective internal quality management system by designing a set of harmonised quality indicators at European level.
The project was born as a joint effort to overcome some existing shortcomings in the internal quality management systems of European Higher Education Institutions. These are currently more process-oriented than results-oriented and difficult to be standardised due to the several indicators involved.
Over the next two years the project will produce a European harmonised and replicable Quality Indicator Scoreboard and a guide for its implementation.
In this project we are working together with 8 partners: Agencia de Avaliacao e Acreditacao do Ensino Superior (Portugal), Agencia per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (Spain), Politecnico di Torino (Italy) , Studiju kokybes vertinimo centras (Lithuania) , Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Spain) y Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium).