We help universities in their most important processes

Universities cannot be considered an exclusively academic institution, but are decisive actors in the social, economic, and political transformations of the territory. In addition, universities must behave as organizations adapted to the globalized world, exploiting all the potential existing in the world. For this reason, CONEXX-EU supports universities in Europe and Latin America in two interdependent lines of work:

  • University Social Responsibility
  • The internationalization of the institution

In terms of University Social Responsibility, CONEXX-EU collaborates with UNESCO through the Observatory of Territorial Social Responsibility of Latin America and the Caribbean (ORSALC) and is part of the European Network of Socially Responsible Universities (USR-Net), improving processes of responsibility in different areas. We also advise on strategic internationalization processes, implementing training, and technical assistance in five modules:

  • Strategic plan for the internationalization of the university.
  • Support for the university’s internationalization actions.
  • Strategies and support for potential sectors (Top researchers) in the presentation of ERC projects.
  • Creation and empowerment of the strategic sectors of the university for the presentation of proposals in H2020.
  • Strengthening of the Faculties of Social and Human Sciences regarding their ability to apply for European projects.


In 2017, CONEXX-EU accompanies different universities in Mexico, Argentina, and Spain in their internationalization processes with face-to-face and online training, institutional analysis through surveys, systematization of departments, and articulating networks that make it possible to participate in international research projects, degrees joint and teacher and student mobility programs.

In the case of social responsibility, we are currently moving forward to manage a quality seal on social responsibility at the international level.


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